
Understanding Sunlight Requirements

Plants require different amounts of sunlight each day to thrive.  Knowing which vegetables prefer full sun, partial sun, or shade can help your plants flourish and maximize your harvest. The first step in determining which types of plants to purchase or start from seed is observing your planting area. Pick a nice, sunny day that you are able to step outside a few times throughout the day to observe the sun’s patterns. I suggest going out between 8-10 am, again at 12-2 pm and 4-6 pm. Notice how many hours each area of your garden space is receiving sunlight. Once you know how much sunlight different areas of your garden receive, it becomes much easier to determine your garden layout.

Full Sun

Vegetables that prefer full sun need at least 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. These plants like hot temperatures and many will not produce fruit if they do not receive enough sunlight. When a vegetable plant is labeled “Full Sun,” they really mean it. Because they are in full sun for most of the day, water retention is especially important. I suggest heavily mulching around the base of full sun loving plants to help them stay hydrated.

Full Sun Vegetables

Partial Sun

Vegetables that prefer partial sun require 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. These plants are the most versatile. They can withstand some hot temperatures but do not require quite as much direct sunlight to succeed. Many are also great companion plants that can be sprinkled all throughout the garden. 

Partial Sun Vegetables

Dappled Shade

Vegetables that prefer shade only require 2-4 hours of direct sunlight each day. If you have a space in your garden that receives very little sunlight these plants can still thrive! Some plants can be sensitive to too much heat and may not do well with full sun exposure. Spinach, for example, can easily go to flower if exposed to too much heat. They could be planted in the shade of taller plants or in an area that receives most of its sunlight in the morning or late afternoon when the sun is less intense. Shade cloth is another great option to use over these vegetables on particularly hot days if your garden is in full sun.

Dappled Shade Vegetables

Happy Growing!